Our goal is to move families out of motels into stable, permanent housing.
Motel to Home (M2H) helps families through a three-step process: outreach, housing, and aftercare.
Step 1: Outreach
Service providers engage in outreach at motels and hotels located in ZIP Codes that indicate low or very low child well-being. These partners provide families customized services that are specifically tailored to improve their housing stability and subsequently their educational, financial, and medical well-being.
Step 2: Housing
Housing Location Specialists work to identify the barriers that families face, then match them with housing that is affordable. Partners provide case management services, connection to resources, and additional housing support through security and utility deposit assistance.
Step 3: Aftercare
Once a family is housed and able to pay their own rent without assistance, the family is eligible for ongoing aftercare services, including the Financial Achievement Club. Participants are introduced to various financial topics every month and work on setting and accomplishing incentivized financial goals. Financial coaches provide one-on-one support over the course of 6 months.
"I never thought that I would be living in a hotel.
I never thought that I would be homeless."